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How Predators Lure Kids, stranger danger

How Predators Lure Kids

Parents need to be aware of what the predators look for to trap their prey.

  • If a predator can get the child away from their parents, the predator sees your child as an easy target. (Do not have your child’s name on their clothing). This gives the predator an upper hand with your child. Your child may feel it’s okay to go with someone who knows their name.

  • It the child strays away from a group of people and becomes alone, this is also an easy target for the predator to abduct your child.

  • Predators also study their surroundings and look for easy escape routes to leave quickly when they trap their prey. They want to make sure the route is safe and easy to get out of sight.

  • Some of the things that predators use to lure kids are;

  • Giving gifts to kids. If a predator sees a kid in a store alone, the predator may tell the child that he has a free gift to give the child or tickets to their favorite movie or candy. The predator will then tell the child to come out to his car to get it in hopes of luring the child away.

  • You must teach your children "never take gifts from a stranger.” If this ever happens to your child, teach the child to go to the store manager or clerk and report the man right away. Most stores have video cameras and may be able to catch the predator.

  • Predators acting as if they are helpless. This is one of the common tricks a predator will use to try and abduct your child. The predator will wear a fake cast on their arms, use crutches or even limp. They may have a box or a bag of groceries politely asking for help. A predator may even ask your child for directors. Once the child takes they bate, the predator has the child right where he/she wants them and the child is gone.

  • It is important that you teach your child not to assist an adult they don’t know and never stop to give directions to a stranger. A stranger should not be asking children for help or for directions. This is a strong indication that this person is a predator.

  • As I mentioned previously, a predator may come to a child with a false message trying to trick your child into getting into their car. The predator may say that the child’s parents are in trouble or the parents ask them to pick up the child. The predator may also say to the child they have a lost dog and need help finding the dog asking the child to get in the car. If the predator has a dog, he may also use the animal to lure the child in his car. Again, tell the child not to get in the car with a stranger. Tell the child to say “No” and immediately run in the opposite direction to safety and report the incident. 

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